Two strong earthquakes took place on the afternoon of Thursday 14th January and the morning of Friday 15th January.
As per Saturday (1/16); the National Disaster Management Agency reported 46 people died and hundreds were injured. Thousands were evacuated to a safer place. As for the material loss, a hotel (Hotel Maleo) and the Office of the Governor of West Sulawesi were heavily damaged. Electricity in the area is still cut off after the earthquake.
Meanwhile, the local disaster management agency in Majene reported that there were landslides at three locations along the main road of Majene-Mamuju (road access was cut off), 62 houses were damaged (temporary data); 1 health center and 1 office of the Malunda Military Command were heavily damaged.
Indonesia is a nation of high tectonic activity. It is often struck by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis because it lies on the Ring of Fire, an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific Basin.
The nation has been struggling with the containment of COVID-19 and now has to effectively respond to the latest earthquake alongside it, this is no easy feat.
Our Response
- Coordinating with local volunteers, the BPBD and local government
- Sending the South Sulawesi emergency response team by land
Victims are in urgent need of staple food packages, blankets/mats, tents, medical services, and tarpaulin. Please donate generously.